*** Am 2.5. von 9:30-13 Uhr finden (mit ein paar Ausnahmen) keine Kurse am ITMK statt, was zur Folge hat, dass die Sitzung um 11:30-13 ausfällt. (Diese Mittagsgruppe hat ihre nächste Sitzung am 9.5.) Die Nachmittagsgruppe, die ihre Sitzungen von 15:45-17:15 hat, wird sich am 2.5. treffen. ***
Finden Sie ein Sprichwort oder ein Zitat in ihrer F1- oder F2-Sprache und bauen Sie daraus eine zweiminütige Präsentation oder Rede. Die Präsentation bzw. Rede soll auch in der F1- oder F2-Sprache sein. Üben Sie ihre Präsentation in der Fremdsprache einmal vor unserer Sitzung, aber BEVOR Sie loslegen, schauen Sie sich dieses Video mit Aufwärmtipps für Redner und Schauspieler an und machen Sie bei den Übungen mit (die Tipps fangen im Video um 0:40 an): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WVBD3K66bA
Bei den Zungenbrechern am Ende probieren Sie auch einen in der Fremdsprache aus. Hier ein paar Vorschläge:
Englisch: You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York.
Spanisch: Poquito a poquito Paquito empaca poquitas copitas en pocos paquetes.
Französisch: Ces six saucissons-ci sont si secs qu'on ne sait si s'en sont.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Mündliches Übersetzen, Homework for Week 5
*** To my Tuesday group: due to the national holiday, our next session will be on May 7th. Please prepare the homework from my post "Homework for Week 4" (not this post) in advance of our next session. ***
*** A note to my Wednesday group: our class will NOT meet on May 2nd, making our next session May 8th. Please complete the homework from this post in advance of that session. (Thank you to the students who brought my attention to this; it turns out that several instructors were not on the mailing list for the announcement.) ***
For homework, please continue where you left off with the English article "Slaver! Invader" (available here: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/apr/24/slaver-invader-tour-guide-ugly-truth-empire-uncomfortable-art-tours-alice-procter translate the whole article, please) by translating aloud into German. Look up solutions AFTER you have made your way through the whole text. Bring in your top two questions concerning this text with you to class.
Secondly, translate the article "Lügen im Netz" up to "1000 Likes für sechs Dollar" (available here: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/luegen-im-netz-von-ingrid-brodnig-wie-ich-mir-2000-facebook-fans-kaufte-a-1203945.html ) into English aloud. Beware of traps with anglicisms: "Fans" are followers, "Buchungsportal" is a "booking platform", "User" are "users" (this error happens a lot when native German speakers say "teenager" instead of "teenagers" when speaking of more than one adolescents in English). "Postings" are not "postings" they are ... ? (Just like there's no such thing as a "brainstorming" in English, it's a ...?) "Indikator" is not an "indicator" in this context; consider what kind of "-ter" would be used in a weather context instead, taking into account the fact that German is accessing a weather metaphor with "Meinungsklima".
When looking up solutions, try using the online Oxford Collocations Dictionary http://www.freecollocation.com This site will provide you with words of varying word classes that collocate with the vocabulary in question, which is useful for translation, writing, and acquiring (and retaining) new words. (For example, entering "popularity" will yield expressions like "dwindling popularity," "popularity is waning," "a surge in popularity", which are all more sophisticated expressions that include this high-frequency noun.)
*** A note to my Wednesday group: our class will NOT meet on May 2nd, making our next session May 8th. Please complete the homework from this post in advance of that session. (Thank you to the students who brought my attention to this; it turns out that several instructors were not on the mailing list for the announcement.) ***
For homework, please continue where you left off with the English article "Slaver! Invader" (available here: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/apr/24/slaver-invader-tour-guide-ugly-truth-empire-uncomfortable-art-tours-alice-procter translate the whole article, please) by translating aloud into German. Look up solutions AFTER you have made your way through the whole text. Bring in your top two questions concerning this text with you to class.
Secondly, translate the article "Lügen im Netz" up to "1000 Likes für sechs Dollar" (available here: http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/luegen-im-netz-von-ingrid-brodnig-wie-ich-mir-2000-facebook-fans-kaufte-a-1203945.html ) into English aloud. Beware of traps with anglicisms: "Fans" are followers, "Buchungsportal" is a "booking platform", "User" are "users" (this error happens a lot when native German speakers say "teenager" instead of "teenagers" when speaking of more than one adolescents in English). "Postings" are not "postings" they are ... ? (Just like there's no such thing as a "brainstorming" in English, it's a ...?) "Indikator" is not an "indicator" in this context; consider what kind of "-ter" would be used in a weather context instead, taking into account the fact that German is accessing a weather metaphor with "Meinungsklima".
When looking up solutions, try using the online Oxford Collocations Dictionary http://www.freecollocation.com This site will provide you with words of varying word classes that collocate with the vocabulary in question, which is useful for translation, writing, and acquiring (and retaining) new words. (For example, entering "popularity" will yield expressions like "dwindling popularity," "popularity is waning," "a surge in popularity", which are all more sophisticated expressions that include this high-frequency noun.)
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Kompetenzerweiterung II, Homework for Week 5 (April 30th)
For homework, please:
Review verb
patterns (valencies) here: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/de/grammatik/britisch-grammatik/verb-patterns/verb-patterns-verb-infinitive-or-verb-ing
complete the following exercise: https://elt.oup.com/student/solutions/advanced3rdedition/grammar/grammar_03_022e?cc=de&selLanguage=de
Take this
quiz on paraphrasing phrasal verbs: https://www.thoughtco.com/idiomatic-phrasal-verb-meanings-advanced-esl-4074659
Take this
short word formation quiz: http://www.esl-lounge.com/student/advanced/cae-047-word-formation-exercise.php
Take this
key word transformation exercise (not all possible solutions are represented in
red at the top when “show answers” is pressed; bring any questions you have on
possible alternatives with you to class): https://www.flo-joe.co.uk/cae/students/tests/strtest2.htm
using the website http://www.freecollocation.com
look up 10 separate nouns (your choice which) and write down at least three
different collocations for each that listed. Complete exercise 18.4 on the
handout distributed in Tuesday’s class as well.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Wirtschaftskommunikation, Homework for Week 5 (April 30th)
For homework, please read through the business ethics question posed to the Ethicist distributed in class ("Must I Tell My Boss I'm Absent Because of Mental Illness?" and "Can I Use My Dad's Connections to Get an Internship?"). Submit your responses to me via email by Friday at noon (they should be between 250-300 words in length and must have gone through a spell and grammar check prior to submission). If you are writing a response, only look at the Ethicist's response AFTER you have submitted your work to me. If you are not submitting this week, still have a look at his responses here before our next session: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/20/magazine/must-i-tell-my-boss-im-absent-because-of-mental-illness.html
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgaben für die 4. Vorlesungswoche
Bitte bewerten Sie folgende Präsentationen bzw. Reden in den Kategorien "Körpersprache", "Struktur" und "Inhalt" (bringen Sie bitte Ihre Notizen / konkreten Anmerkungen zur nächsten Sitzung mit):
Deutsch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqMYXrzc2xA
Englisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QdPW8JrYzQ
Französisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqk-loJ9pac
Spanisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFHz4nZ7b1o
Und schauen Sie sich bitte dieses Video als Vorbereitung zum Thema "Stimmtraining" für nächste Woche an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBSqjs8wWFs
Deutsch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqMYXrzc2xA
Englisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QdPW8JrYzQ
Französisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqk-loJ9pac
Spanisch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFHz4nZ7b1o
Und schauen Sie sich bitte dieses Video als Vorbereitung zum Thema "Stimmtraining" für nächste Woche an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBSqjs8wWFs
Mündliches Übersetzen, Homework for Week 4
For homework, please translate the article "Silberfund auf Rügen" distributed in class (available here: http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/silberfund-von-ruegen-mehr-als-nur-schatzsuche-a-1203203.html translate to "150 aktive Ehrenamtliche") aloud into English. Give yourself 90 seconds to skim the article before you begin. time yourself (it's a good idea to keep track of your times over the course of the semester in order to track progress). Write down your top two questions to bring with you to next class.
As mentioned in class, there are several German cities which have a different English name or have a slightly different spelling in English. The most notable include: Munich, Brunswick (Braunschweig), Nuremberg, Hanover. Note that sometimes cities with umlauts are spelled with an "e" as in "Duesseldorf" or "Muenster" (this is irrelevant for mündliches Übersetzen, but note that an English speaker would not necessarily pronounce "Muenster" with the umlaut; both pronunciations would be fine for the exam but, as always, make sure your decisions are motivated and consistent).
For the remainder of the semester, it would be a good idea to read two general news articles (1 German, 1 English) and two specialized articles (1 German, 1 English) on your own to learn vocabulary, constructions, and varying sentence structures from.
Have a look at how inversion appears in English (and which adverbs trigger it) here: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/inversion.html
I believe I wrote on the board last week that the verb "advocate" had its stress on "-cate". Both the verb and the noun have their stress on the first syllable; I apologize for the confusion.
As mentioned in class, there are several German cities which have a different English name or have a slightly different spelling in English. The most notable include: Munich, Brunswick (Braunschweig), Nuremberg, Hanover. Note that sometimes cities with umlauts are spelled with an "e" as in "Duesseldorf" or "Muenster" (this is irrelevant for mündliches Übersetzen, but note that an English speaker would not necessarily pronounce "Muenster" with the umlaut; both pronunciations would be fine for the exam but, as always, make sure your decisions are motivated and consistent).
For the remainder of the semester, it would be a good idea to read two general news articles (1 German, 1 English) and two specialized articles (1 German, 1 English) on your own to learn vocabulary, constructions, and varying sentence structures from.
Have a look at how inversion appears in English (and which adverbs trigger it) here: https://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/inversion.html
I believe I wrote on the board last week that the verb "advocate" had its stress on "-cate". Both the verb and the noun have their stress on the first syllable; I apologize for the confusion.
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Kompetenzerweiterung II, Homework for April 23rd
Watch this
video on mixed conditionals here (the BBC Learning English is great for
reviewing tricky grammar points; consider browsing through their videos when
studying): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBvXjZmpraU
Your optional essay is to respond to the question “Is creativity endangered?” Essays should be around 250 words in length and must have gone through a spell AND grammar check and submitted by this Friday at noon (look at those beautiful modals!!).
conditionals here: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/grammar/british-grammar/conditionals-and-wishes/conditionals-if
complete this exercise: https://elt.oup.com/student/solutions/upperint/grammar/grammar_09_022e?cc=de&selLanguage=de
through these three blog posts (part one is at the bottom of the page) about
modal verbs: https://rliberni.wordpress.com/tag/modal-verbs-explained/
complete this exercise: https://sites.uclouvain.be/gramlink/Gramlink-AN/exercices/auxmod/auxmod12.htm
(This site
might help if you find the exercise above to be tricky: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/quick-grammar/modals-deduction-past
Read up on
collocations here: http://smrtenglish.com/smrt/lesson/239
this collocation and key word transformation exercise: http://www.tinyteflteacher.co.uk/learning-english/FCE/practice-make-do.html
Write 10
sentences using low-frequency verbs that take the gerund and 10 sentences using
low-frequency verbs that take the infinitive. Bring these with you to our
Monday session. Your optional essay is to respond to the question “Is creativity endangered?” Essays should be around 250 words in length and must have gone through a spell AND grammar check and submitted by this Friday at noon (look at those beautiful modals!!).
Monday, April 16, 2018
Wirtschaftskommunikation, Homework for April 23rd
Have a look
at what we can learn from game theory for negotiation strategy here:
Complete this
exercise on business English collocations (bear in mind that there are 25
problems for each of the 4 exercises): http://www.businessenglishresources.com/advanced-collocations-exercises/
Visit this
website and read the sections “What is business ethics?” “10 Myths” and “10
Benefits”: https://managementhelp.org/businessethics/ethics-guide.htm#anchor26548
Have a look
at this video on “dark patterns” and be ready to discuss the business ethics of
this practice in our next session (the nerdwriter channel has other great
analyses that might be worth checking out): https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/how-tech-companies-use-dark-patterns-to-trick-you/
For your
optional essay prompt this week, respond to the business ethics question, “Are
dark patterns a legitimate strategy for online businesses?” Send me your
responses by this Friday at noon; make sure you’ve run the essay through a
spell and grammar check first. Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgabe für die 3. Vorlesungswoche
Als Hausaufgabe bereiten Sie bitte einen 2-minütigen Vortrag vor, in dem Sie einen (Fach-)Begriff verdeutlichen. Am besten stammt der Begriff aus einem Bereich, mit dem Sie vertraut sind und worüber Sie gerne auch im privaten Leben sprechen.
Schauen Sie sich auch das Video "Tipps zur Körpersprache" (Nummer 13 in dieser Playlist) an. Der Name der Serie ist zugegeben ein bisschen blöd, aber die Tipps sind für alle hilfreich, auch die Videos zur Wirkung der Stimme sind für uns relevant: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWK1Hx_NM2f7xYZb0IPXM1lt-4iSmqk38
Danke, F., für Ihre Anmerkung zu den englischen Übersetzungen von "überzeugen" und "überreden". "Überreden" kann man auch gut mit "talk some into doing something" oder auch "wear someone down" übersetzen.
Schauen Sie sich auch das Video "Tipps zur Körpersprache" (Nummer 13 in dieser Playlist) an. Der Name der Serie ist zugegeben ein bisschen blöd, aber die Tipps sind für alle hilfreich, auch die Videos zur Wirkung der Stimme sind für uns relevant: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWK1Hx_NM2f7xYZb0IPXM1lt-4iSmqk38
Danke, F., für Ihre Anmerkung zu den englischen Übersetzungen von "überzeugen" und "überreden". "Überreden" kann man auch gut mit "talk some into doing something" oder auch "wear someone down" übersetzen.
Mündliches Übersetzen, Homework for Week 3
For homework, please translate the German article distributed in class "Wie geht's euch denn eigentlich" about overtourism (on the backside of "Technologie und Glaube" or available here online, translate until the end of the third paragraph http://www.sueddeutsche.de/reise/essay-wie-gehts-eigentlich-euch-1.3921713). BEFORE you begin translating, however, please read this article https://www.express.co.uk/travel/articles/944035/venice-italy-overtourism-mayor-proposes-charges-day-trippers and jot down the vocabulary that is a) useful for the topic of overtourism and b) that is useful for a variety of texts (an example of the latter would be the word "curb", an excellent verb). When you translate please do it aloud, time yourself, and look up words after you have worked your way through the entire article. Add useful vocabulary/constructions to your Vokabelheft/flashcards/vocab lists.
In addition to this, translate an English text of your choosing into German; get as far as you can within 5 minutes. You might already start thinking of your specialization area when choosing the text.
In addition to this, translate an English text of your choosing into German; get as far as you can within 5 minutes. You might already start thinking of your specialization area when choosing the text.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Kompetenzerweiterung II, Homework for Week 2
Read up on the subjunctive mood in English
here: https://www.englishpage.com/minitutorials/subjunctive.html
And here (paying particular attention to
the volitional subjunctive): https://english.lingolia.com/en/grammar/verbs/subjunctive
And complete the following exercise: https://english.lingolia.com/en/grammar/verbs/subjunctive/exercises
Read up on the four types of
conditionals here: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/conditional-sentences/
And complete this exercise (this
exercise doesn’t recognize contractions, so write words out; you can check your
answers by pressing the “enter” key): http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/single/cond_r.htm
Get acquainted with key word
transformations here (bear in mind, this is an upper-intermediate exercise; the
level of these will increase over the course of the semester): http://www.english-grammar.at/online_exercises/key-word-transformation/kwt005.htm
There was a typo on the Martin Luther King sheet from Monday's session. In one of the problems the verb stem read "steralize". This should read "sterilize".
For your first essay prompt (essays are optional, but aim to submit at least two this semester), write an argumentative essay that either answers the question "Who has history misrepresented?" or "Is digital connectedness good or bad?" The essay should be a max of 250 words and must have a thesis and supportive evidence, as discussed in Tuesday's session. Submit your work by this Friday at noon and make sure it has gone through a spell and grammar check prior to submission.
For your first essay prompt (essays are optional, but aim to submit at least two this semester), write an argumentative essay that either answers the question "Who has history misrepresented?" or "Is digital connectedness good or bad?" The essay should be a max of 250 words and must have a thesis and supportive evidence, as discussed in Tuesday's session. Submit your work by this Friday at noon and make sure it has gone through a spell and grammar check prior to submission.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Wirtschaftskommunikation, Homework for Week 2
For homework, please have a look at both of the articles distributed in class today. Look up all of the words you don't know and select at least 10 to add to your active vocabulary.
Since vocab is going to be tested on the exam, I suggest establishing some way of keeping track of vocab this semester (e.g. in the form of a Vokabelheft or flashcards).
"Economics A-Z" is a wonderful resource to use this semester: https://www.economist.com/economics-a-to-z
And the Cambridge English in Use Advanced Business Vocabulary workbook is also great for practice.
I'll be offering the opportunity to submit essays electronically all semester. These essays must be submitted by Friday at noon and have gone through a spell and grammar check in order to be evaluated. Essays are not required, but they are good practice for the exam. Your first essay is to write a press release on behalf of Facebook. (These guidelines can help: https://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2014/jul/14/how-to-write-press-release )
Since vocab is going to be tested on the exam, I suggest establishing some way of keeping track of vocab this semester (e.g. in the form of a Vokabelheft or flashcards).
"Economics A-Z" is a wonderful resource to use this semester: https://www.economist.com/economics-a-to-z
And the Cambridge English in Use Advanced Business Vocabulary workbook is also great for practice.
I'll be offering the opportunity to submit essays electronically all semester. These essays must be submitted by Friday at noon and have gone through a spell and grammar check in order to be evaluated. Essays are not required, but they are good practice for the exam. Your first essay is to write a press release on behalf of Facebook. (These guidelines can help: https://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2014/jul/14/how-to-write-press-release )
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgabe für die 2. Woche
Schreiben Sie bitte eine 2-minütige Überzeugungsrede
(Stichpunkte genügen). Sie können Ihr Publikum von einem neuen Titel für die
Pflichtlektüre in der Schule überzeugen oder ein ganz anderes Thema wählen.
Hauptsache: nach den zwei Minuten will Ihr Publikum Ihr Produkt kaufen bzw. Ihrer
Meinung sein. Diese Tipps können Ihnen dabei helfen: https://www.beatrixschwarzbach.de/artikel/so-strukturierst-du-eine-ueberzeugungsrede-5-schritte-zum-fertigen-pitch
Mündliches Übersetzen, Homework for Week 2
homework, please have a look at the German and English texts dealt with in
class. For the remaining four paragraphs of the English text (“Grammar schools
translate the text into German aloud
without writing anything down. Look up any words/alternatives after you’ve
completed translating the text. Highlight the areas that were hardest for you.
For the body of the German text (Technologie und Glaube http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/technologie-und-glaube-fuerchtet-euch-nicht-kolumne-von-georg-diez-a-1200803.html) take five minutes to scan the text for syntactic and lexical difficulties. Then translate the text aloud, taking as much time as you need (record roughly how long it takes you). Look up any words/alternatives after you’ve completed translating the text. Highlight the areas that were hardest for you.
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