Monday, December 19, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for January 9th

 ***Please be advised that our next and last class session of the semester will take place on January 9th.***

For homework, please read pp. 71-82 of "Why Do So Few Blacks Study the Civil War?" by Ta-Nehisi Coates posted in the folder "10. Week Ten Reading (Coates)" on Ilias. (Unfortunately, the files uploaded to Ilias in the wrong order, but all of the pages are there. The folder is also located directly under "1. Week One Reading" on Ilias.) What is Coates' answer to his research question?

Links of interest: 

Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.] (

From 2017: Confederate Monuments Are Coming Down Across the United States. Here’s a List. - The New York Times (

The U.S. Constitution | Constitution Center

Transcript of the Proclamation | National Archives

U.S. Senate: Hiram Revels: First African American Senator

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I, Study Pack

 This study pack is meant for your personal enrichment and is in no way required. 

Future and present forms

Mixed tense

Gerund and infinitive

Word formation

Cloze tests

(you will find at the bottom of this page a list of hyperlinked numbers; all of these are CLOZE exercises you can use for practice)

Register rewrite

Relative pronoun gap fill

Relative clauses rewrite

Error correction

Active to passive voice


Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for January 9th

 ***Please be advised that our next (and final) class session will be on January 9th.***

- review Units 17 (clauses) and 21 (noun phrases) in your book and complete exercises 3.3 and 3.4 in the scanned file "nouns agreement and articles exercises", exercise 6 from the file "place name exercise", and exercise C from the file "relative clauses quick check"

- learn the topic vocabulary and word formation vocabulary from Unit 22 (quality and the arts) and complete exercises A-D and K-M from your book. 

- as always, I recommend doing supplementary exercises from the review pages in your book, the extra exercises in the back, and targeted exercises you seek out from links featured on the blog and other grammar sites you find on the Web.  

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 22nd

For our next session on 12/22, please prepare the following:

- bring in at least 10 laugh-out-loud jokes and practice delivering them (i.e. saying them out loud). We'll be having a dad joke/pun festival in groups in our next session :-). 

- review Units 17 (clauses) and 21 (noun phrases) in your book and complete exercises 3.3 and 3.4 in the scanned file "nouns agreement and articles exercises", exercise 6 from the file "place name exercise", and exercise C from the file "relative clauses quick check"

- learn the topic vocabulary and word formation vocabulary from Unit 22 (quality and the arts) and complete exercises A-D and K-M from your book. 

- as always, I recommend doing supplementary exercises from the review pages in your book, the extra exercises in the back, and targeted exercises you seek out from links featured on the blog and other grammar sites you find on the Web. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for December 21st

 For our next session on 12/21, please prepare the following:

- bring in at least 10 laugh-out-loud jokes and practice delivering them (i.e. saying them out loud). We'll be having a dad joke/pun festival in groups in our next session :-). 

- review Units 17 (clauses) and 21 (noun phrases) in your book and complete exercises 3.3 and 3.4 in the scanned file "nouns agreement and articles exercises", exercise 6 from the file "place name exercise", and exercise C from the file "relative clauses quick check"

- learn the topic vocabulary and word formation vocabulary from Unit 22 (quality and the arts) and complete exercises A-D and K-M from your book. 

- as always, I recommend doing supplementary exercises from the review pages in your book, the extra exercises in the back, and targeted exercises you seek out from links featured on the blog and other grammar sites you find on the Web. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for December 19th

 For homework, please: 

- read as much as you can from Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (read at least the last two slides from today's presentation): Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau ( Identify at least one statement in the text that surprises and/or interests you (bear in mind that this text inspired a number of leaders in more recent history such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi). 

- have a look at the terms used on the second slide of today's presentation and make sure that you can come up with examples for each of them (the slides from December 5th might be of help here). Bring in any questions you have about these terms to our next class.

Links of interest:

Unknown | Sojourner Truth, "I Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance" | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for December 19th

In advance of our next session on 12/19, please:

- bring in at least 10 laugh-out-loud jokes and practice delivering them (i.e. saying them out loud). We'll be having a dad joke/pun festival in groups in our next session :-). 

- review units 5 and 7 on future time and passives and causatives, respectively, and learn the topic vocab and word formation words for unit 8. (It is recommended that you complete the review on pp. 68-69 as well.) Complete exercises A-D and L-O in Unit 8 and bring in any questions you might have to class.

 - have a look at the following video Hydrogen cars: a greener future for London? - BBC London - YouTube and answer the following question: are hydrogen cars (part of) the future? (Bonus challenge: can you catch any collocations in the speech featured in the video?) 

- read the word formation suffixes scan (file name: "word formation suffixes") and complete exercises 2 and 3 from the file "word formation suffixes exercises". Bring your answers with you to class.

- the following exercises are recommended for reviewing passive voice:

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 15th

In advance of our next session on 12/15, please:

- review units 5 and 7 on future time and passives and causatives, respectively, and learn the topic vocab and word formation words for unit 8. (It is recommended that you complete the review on pp. 68-69 as well.) Complete exercises A-D and L-O in Unit 8 and bring in any questions you might have to class.

 - have a look at the following video Hydrogen cars: a greener future for London? - BBC London - YouTube and answer the following question: are hydrogen cars (part of) the future? (Bonus challenge: can you catch any collocations in the speech featured in the video?) 

- read the word formation suffixes scan (file name: "word formation suffixes") and complete exercises 2 and 3 from the file "word formation suffixes exercises". Bring your answers with you to class.

- the following exercises are recommended for reviewing passive voice:

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for December 14th

 In advance of our next session on 12/14, please:

- review units 5 and 7 on future time and passives and causatives, respectively, and learn the topic vocab and word formation words for unit 8. (It is recommended that you complete the review on pp. 68-69 as well.) Complete exercises A-D and L-O in Unit 8 and bring in any questions you might have to class.

 - have a look at the following video Hydrogen cars: a greener future for London? - BBC London - YouTube and answer the following question: are hydrogen cars (part of) the future? (Bonus challenge: can you catch any collocations in the speech featured in the video?) 

- read the word formation suffixes scan (file name: "word formation suffixes") and complete exercises 2 and 3 from the file "word formation suffixes exercises". Bring your answers with you to class.

- the following exercises are recommended for reviewing passive voice:

Monday, December 5, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for December 12th

 For homework, please: 

- read pp. 41-44 from "American History: A Very Short Introduction" by Oxford University Press featured in the Week Nine Reading folder. Select one of the figures or works featured in these pages and investigate it/them further. Bring one "fun fact" about this person or work with you to class next week. Be able to explain what this fact tells us about the US in the mid-19th century. 

- find two or three political/editorial cartoons either by US artists or that address US culture/policy and use the terms discussed in our past two classes (i.e. discourse, narrative, framing and sub-types of framing) and others from the semester (e.g. cognitive blends, intertextuality) to analyze how the cartoons are constructed. Bring these cartoons with you to next week's class.

- choose two or three English words and look each of these up in the following dictionaries (how do explain the differences in the wordings of the definitions in each edition of the dictionary?):

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Online

Webster's 1913 (

Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary

Links of interest: 

The Art in the Oval Office Tells a Story. Here’s How to See It. - The New York Times (

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for December 12th

 In preparation of next Monday's session (12/12), please do the following:

-please complete the exercises (i.e. A-O) for Unit 6 and learn the vocabulary for Unit 6 (pp. 44-45). Do Review 2 for Units 5 and 6 on pp. 52-53 of your book as well. Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding the vocabulary/these solutions with you to next Monday's session.

- review Units 1 and 3 and bring in any questions you might have. I would recommend doing exercises from the reviews on pp. 20-21, pp. 36-37 and pp. 265-266 from your book for extra practice. (Bear in mind that some of the vocab exercises on these pages focus on items that we have not covered yet.)

- browse the website and read at least one article that is in some way related to career advice: Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | What strikes you interculturally speaking about the advice given (i.e. do you notice an intercultural differences between what is expected in your home country and the US/anglophone countries?)?

- identify a job/career field that interests you and watch a video on YouTube that profiles that career/provides more information about it. Bring in the name of the video and one interesting takeway from it with you to next week's class. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 8th

 In preparation of next Thursday's session (12/08), please do the following:

-please complete the exercises (i.e. A-O) for Unit 6 and learn the vocabulary for Unit 6 (pp. 44-45). Do Review 2 for Units 5 and 6 on pp. 52-53 of your book as well. Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding the vocabulary/these solutions with you to next Thursday's session.

- review Units 1 and 3 and bring in any questions you might have. I would recommend doing exercises from the reviews on pp. 20-21, pp. 36-37 and pp. 265-266 from your book for extra practice. (Bear in mind that some of the vocab exercises on these pages focus on items that we have not covered yet.)

- browse the website and read at least one article that is in some way related to career advice: Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | What strikes you interculturally speaking about the advice given (i.e. do you notice an intercultural differences between what is expected in your home country and the US/anglophone countries?)?

- identify a job/career field that interests you and watch a video on YouTube that profiles that career/provides more information about it. Bring in the name of the video and one interesting takeway from it with you to next week's class. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for December 7th

In preparation of next Wednesday's session (12/07), please do the following:

-please complete the exercises (i.e. A-O) for Unit 6 and learn the vocabulary for Unit 6 (pp. 44-45). Do Review 2 for Units 5 and 6 on pp. 52-53 of your book as well. Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding the vocabulary/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session.

- review Units 1 and 3 and bring in any questions you might have. I would recommend doing exercises from the reviews on pp. 20-21, pp. 36-37 and pp. 265-266 from your book for extra practice. (Bear in mind that some of the vocab exercises on these pages focus on items that we have not covered yet.)

- browse the website and read at least one article that is in some way related to career advice: Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | What strikes you interculturally speaking about the advice given (i.e. do you notice an intercultural differences between what is expected in your home country and the US/anglophone countries?)?

- identify a job/career field that interests you and watch a video on YouTube that profiles that career/provides more information about it. Bring in the name of the video and one interesting takeway from it with you to next week's class. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for December 5th

 For homework, please: 

- watch the following video, which features author Francisco Cantú, a former member of the US Border Patrol (2008-2012, i.e. the first Obama administration) and published a memoir about his experiences in 2017: How this former Border Patrol agent learned to see through the eyes of those trying to cross - YouTube

As you watch the video, take notes on any comments, information and/or sights presented therein that surprise you.

- after watching the video, read an excerpt from Cantú's book The Line Becomes a River posted under the "Week Eight Reading" folder on Ilias Inhalt. The excerpt is written in the voice of José, an undocumented immigrant to the US whom Cantú befriends in the course of the memoir's events. In this scene, José is in Mexico tending to his dying mother. (The "you" in this scene refers to Cantú, but is obviously also a stylistic choice used to pull the reader in.) As you read the excerpt, jot down notes/highlight passages that capture the complexities of José's situation. (The upload on Ilias places pg 242 as the third scan when it should be the last page you read. The other scans are in the correct order.)

- finally, do some research concerning the US visa options available to a Mexican citizen (you can look up other countries as well, but make sure you investigate Mexico). Keep notes tracking the sources and websites you use to obtain this information.

Links discussed in class:

U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for December 5th

***If you intend to take the exam with me this semester, please make sure that you are registered for it on PSSO by the deadline.***

In preparation of our next Monday session (12/05), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-I) for Unit 21 and read the grammar details for Unit 21 (pp. 170-171). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to our next class session.

- read 2-3 of the essays featured here What I'm really thinking | Lifeandstyle | The Guardian and do the following: 
1) be able to pinpoint what compelled you to click on the article in the first place (of the hundreds of articles on the site, what made that person's perspective interesting enough to read?)
2) did the articles live up to your expectation (i.e. what you had in mind when you clicked)? Explain.
3) take notes regarding the paragraph organization of the article
4) bring a sketch of an essay with you to class (the key here is narrowing down the perspective of the person and how you are going to contextualize this person's experience) 

- visit this website Home ( and do the following (most stories are about one hour in length, so schedule enough time for this):
1) decide on a story to listen to (the "archive" and "recommended" tabs at the top right-hand corner of the page can be helpful in picking from the hundreds of stories available)
2) determine if the story was well-structured (some stories are broken down into "acts" on their respective webpages) and lived up to the expectations you felt when you read the story's description. If you feel compelled to stop listening at any point, identify what specifically caused this.
3) answer the question: could any of the material in the story you listened to inspire a great "what I'm really thinking" essay? If so, how and for what kind of essay? If not, why not?

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 1st

 ***Please be advised our next session will be on December 1st. We will not have a class session during Project Week.***

In preparation of our next Thursday session (12/01), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-I) for Unit 21 and read the grammar details for Unit 21 (pp. 170-171). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to our next class session.

- read 2-3 of the essays featured here What I'm really thinking | Lifeandstyle | The Guardian and do the following: 
1) be able to pinpoint what compelled you to click on the article in the first place (of the hundreds of articles on the site, what made that person's perspective interesting enough to read?)
2) did the articles live up to your expectation (i.e. what you had in mind when you clicked)? Explain.
3) take notes regarding the paragraph organization of the article
4) bring a sketch of an essay with you to class (the key here is narrowing down the perspective of the person and how you are going to contextualize this person's experience) 

- visit this website Home ( and do the following (most stories are about one hour in length, so schedule enough time for this):
1) decide on a story to listen to (the "archive" and "recommended" tabs at the top right-hand corner of the page can be helpful in picking from the hundreds of stories available)
2) determine if the story was well-structured (some stories are broken down into "acts" on their respective webpages) and lived up to the expectations you felt when you read the story's description. If you feel compelled to stop listening at any point, identify what specifically caused this.
3) answer the question: could any of the material in the story you listened to inspire a great "what I'm really thinking" essay? If so, how and for what kind of essay? If not, why not?

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for November 17th

***Please be advised that you will be required to wear a mask in all classes at the ITMK next week.***

In preparation of next Thursday's session (11/17), please do the following:

- complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 17 and read the grammar details for Unit 17 (pp. 138-139). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Thursday's session.

- read pp. 186-187 of Unit 23 and do exercises A-D on pg. 188-189 (then self-check your answers). Bring any questions you have with you our next session. 

- read through the explanations on the "verbs commonly used in passive voice" sheet distributed in class (and uploaded to Ilias as "Grammar for CAE and CPE verbs commonly used with the passive explanation") and complete exercises 1 and 3 on the back side (also uploaded to Ilias as "Grammar for CAE and CPE verbs commonly used with the passive exercises"). 

- read a review of a film, album or book (you can find reviews on Culture | The Guardian and on the NY Times (the TH has a subscription, but you need to be logged into the VPN in order to access it)) and assess the review using the following categories: 1) word choice, 2) details/examples, 3) sentence structure, 4) paragraph structure/essay organization, 5) thesis statement (is there a main "take-away" from the review?). Bring this review with you to class (either printed out or in an electronic form). 

- watch at least one of the videos from Amoeba Records "What's in my bag?" series Amoeba - YouTube and observe/take notes on how they present their picks. Then, select 3-5 books/films/albums that you will present to your group in a similar fashion (i.e. hopefully being so convincing that your group will want to check that media out) in class next Thursday. Try to bring the physical copies of the books/films/albums if you can. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for November 16th

***Please be advised that you will be required to wear a mask in next week's class.***

In preparation of next Wednesday's session (11/16), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-I) for Unit 21 and read the grammar details for Unit 21 (pp. 170-171). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session.

- read 2-3 of the essays featured here What I'm really thinking | Lifeandstyle | The Guardian and do the following: 
1) be able to pinpoint what compelled you to click on the article in the first place (of the hundreds of articles on the site, what made that person's perspective interesting enough to read?)
2) did the articles live up to your expectation (i.e. what you had in mind when you clicked)? Explain.
3) take notes regarding the paragraph organization of the article
4) bring a sketch of an essay with you to class (the key here is narrowing down the perspective of the person and how you are going to contextualize this person's experience) 

- visit this website Home ( and do the following (most stories are about one hour in length, so schedule enough time for this):
1) decide on a story to listen to (the "archive" and "recommended" tabs at the top right-hand corner of the page can be helpful in picking from the hundreds of stories available)
2) determine if the story was well-structured (some stories are broken down into "acts" on their respective webpages) and lived up to the expectations you felt when you read the story's description. If you feel compelled to stop listening at any point, identify what specifically caused this.
3) answer the question: could any of the material in the story you listened to inspire a great "what I'm really thinking" essay? If so, how and for what kind of essay? If not, why not?

Monday, November 7, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for November 14th

For homework, please: 

- have a look at the results of the mid-term elections after November 8th. Focus on both a) an individual political issue and how it is discussed in post-election reporting on a national scale and b) one individual state's mid-term election results and how these results are discussed in post-election reporting. (For item a, you might consider what interested you in the PEW Research Center surveys.) For both of these analyses, see if you can apply the terminology introduced in our class session from November 7th. 

- read the article posted to Ilias as the file "us should break up states" and a) identify the author's thesis (i.e. main message) and b) detail whether you find it feasible or not. 

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for November 14th

 In preparation of next Monday's session (11/14), please do the following:

- complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 17 and read the grammar details for Unit 17 (pp. 138-139). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Monday's session.

- read pp. 186-187 of Unit 23 and do exercises A-D on pg. 188-189 (then self-check your answers). Bring any questions you have with you our next session. 

- read through the explanations on the "verbs commonly used in passive voice" sheet distributed in class (and uploaded to Ilias as "Grammar for CAE and CPE verbs commonly used with the passive explanation") and complete exercises 1 and 3 on the back side (also uploaded to Ilias as "Grammar for CAE and CPE verbs commonly used with the passive exercises"). 

- read a review of a film, album or book (you can find reviews on Culture | The Guardian and on the NY Times (the TH has a subscription, but you need to be logged into the VPN in order to access it)) and assess the review using the following categories: 1) word choice, 2) details/examples, 3) sentence structure, 4) paragraph structure/essay organization, 5) thesis statement (is there a main "take-away" from the review?). Bring this review with you to class (either printed out or in an electronic form). 

- watch at least one of the videos from Amoeba Records "What's in my bag?" series Amoeba - YouTube and observe/take notes on how they present their picks. Then, select 3-5 books/films/albums that you will present to your group in a similar fashion (i.e. hopefully being so convincing that your group will want to check that media out) in class next Monday. Try to bring the physical copies of the books/films/albums if you can. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for November 9th

 In preparation of next Wednesday's session (11/9), please do the following:

- complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 17 and read the grammar details for Unit 17 (pp. 138-139). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session.

- read pp. 186-187 of Unit 23 and do exercises A-D on pg. 188-189 (then self-check your answers). Bring any questions you have with you our next session. 

- read through the explanations on the "verbs commonly used in passive voice" sheet distributed in class (and uploaded to Ilias as "Grammar for CAE and CPE verbs commonly used with the passive explanation") and complete exercises 1 and 3 on the back side (also uploaded to Ilias as "Grammar for CAE and CPE verbs commonly used with the passive exercises"). 

- read a review of a film, album or book (you can find reviews on Culture | The Guardian and on the NY Times (the TH has a subscription, but you need to be logged into the VPN in order to access it)) and assess the review using the following categories: 1) word choice, 2) details/examples, 3) sentence structure, 4) paragraph structure/essay organization, 5) thesis statement (is there a main "take-away" from the review?). Bring this review with you to class (either printed out or in an electronic form). 

- watch at least one of the videos from Amoeba Records "What's in my bag?" series Amoeba - YouTube and observe/take notes on how they present their picks. Then, select 3-5 books/films/albums that you will present to your group in a similar fashion (i.e. hopefully being so convincing that your group will want to check that media out) in class next Wednesday. Try to bring the physical copies of the books/films/albums if you can. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for November 7th

For homework, please: 

- skim through the Lippi-Green article "Teaching Children to Discriminate" (posted as "Lippi Green" on Ilias). There is no need to read the article word-for-word, but try to identify the 1) research question, 2) the paper's data set, and 3) the paper's main claim. 

- browse the Pew Research Center's website Pew Research Center | Pew Research Center and read through at least three reports that interest you (the "research topics" tab is a great place to start). What data presented here surprises you (if any)? What data could be a springboard for future research?

Resources mentioned in class: 

How "Finding Nemo" may help keep Navajo language alive - YouTube

Jedis and Indians: 'Navajo Star Wars' Premieres to a Packed House - YouTube

Native American Poetry and Culture | Poetry Foundation

Transcendentalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Cartoons (

Koo Hoot Kiwat-Caddo Grass House - YouTube

Lingít Yoo X̲ʼatángi | The Tlingit Language

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for November 7th

In preparation for our next session(11/07), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 7 and read through the grammar details for Unit 7. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to our next session.

Please read the file "Grammar for CAE  Future p 24" and complete the check exercises on that page and complete exercises 1, 2, and 4 in the file "Grammar for CAE Future p 25" as well. (For exercise 1 on pg. 25, I would like you to also come up with contexts in which the form that you did not select for the book's sentence could work. An example for sentence 1 (whose answer is "she's going to") would be "I think she'll faint if you tell her that." Will-future works in this sentence because the if-clause construction takes us into the hypothetical. Going to-future is used in the book's sentence because one sees concrete evidence in the form of the pale face.) You'll find the answers to these exercises at the bottom of the post (but please do the exercises BEFORE checking your answers!). 

- read the article in the file "Missing apostrophe" on Ilias and do the following:
a) make sure you can summarize what the case was about and what its ruling was
b) look up all of the words you don't know (there is quite a bit of legal language used in this article which will prove useful for you to know in your later studies)
c) summarize the basic rules of how apostrophes are used in English (this might require outside research/consultation with other English grammar/language books you own)

- please also complete the proofreading and editing page that we started in class today (this has been uploaded to Ilias as "Sentences for proofreading and editing 1")

Answer Key: check: 1 fixed plans/arrangements, 2 a personal intention, 3 an unalterable arrangement or fact, 4 an immediate decision, 5 an action that will happen because it is regular or decided
exercise 1: 1 she's going to, 2 I'll, 3 I'm going to be, 4 I'll, 5 am leaving, 6 is not, 7 would, 8 will be doing, 9 will have gone, 10 are 10
exercise 2: 1 supposed/due/required/obliged, 2 just, 3 point, 4 unless, 5 be, 6 to, 7 left, 8 leaving/going/off, 9 be, 10 move
exercise 4: 1 the point of, 2 would do his/was doing his, 3 as we've paid, 4 is going to have (or: will have) an, 5 will have been studying, 6 to be taken/being taken/going to be taken

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for November 10th

***Please be advised that I will not be holding our class on November 2nd due to my participation in the search committees for two new professors. Our next session will be on November 10th.***

In preparation for our next session(11/10), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 7 and read through the grammar details for Unit 7. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to our next session.

Please read the file "Grammar for CAE  Future p 24" and complete the check exercises on that page and complete exercises 1, 2, and 4 in the file "Grammar for CAE Future p 25" as well. (For exercise 1 on pg. 25, I would like you to also come up with contexts in which the form that you did not select for the book's sentence could work. An example for sentence 1 (whose answer is "she's going to") would be "I think she'll faint if you tell her that." Will-future works in this sentence because the if-clause construction takes us into the hypothetical. Going to-future is used in the book's sentence because one sees concrete evidence in the form of the pale face.) You'll find the answers to these exercises at the bottom of the post (but please do the exercises BEFORE checking your answers!). 

- read the article in the file "Missing apostrophe" on Ilias and do the following:
a) make sure you can summarize what the case was about and what its ruling was
b) look up all of the words you don't know (there is quite a bit of legal language used in this article which will prove useful for you to know in your later studies)
c) summarize the basic rules of how apostrophes are used in English (this might require outside research/consultation with other English grammar/language books you own)

Answer Key: check: 1 fixed plans/arrangements, 2 a personal intention, 3 an unalterable arrangement or fact, 4 an immediate decision, 5 an action that will happen because it is regular or decided
exercise 1: 1 she's going to, 2 I'll, 3 I'm going to be, 4 I'll, 5 am leaving, 6 is not, 7 would, 8 will be doing, 9 will have gone, 10 are 10
exercise 2: 1 supposed/due/required/obliged, 2 just, 3 point, 4 unless, 5 be, 6 to, 7 left, 8 leaving/going/off, 9 be, 10 move
exercise 4: 1 the point of, 2 would do his/was doing his, 3 as we've paid, 4 is going to have (or: will have) an, 5 will have been studying, 6 to be taken/being taken/going to be taken

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for November 2nd

In preparation of next Wednesday's session (11/2), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 7 and read through the grammar details for Unit 7. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session.

Please read the file "Grammar for CAE  Future p 24" and complete the check exercises on that page and complete exercises 1, 2, and 4 in the file "Grammar for CAE Future p 25" as well. (For exercise 1 on pg. 25, I would like you to also come up with contexts in which the form that you did not select for the book's sentence could work. An example for sentence 1 (whose answer is "she's going to") would be "I think she'll faint if you tell her that." Will-future works in this sentence because the if-clause construction takes us into the hypothetical. Going to-future is used in the book's sentence because one sees concrete evidence in the form of the pale face.) You'll find the answers to these exercises at the bottom of the post (but please do the exercises BEFORE checking your answers!).

Please complete the proofreading and editing exercises on the sheet distributed at the end of our session on the 26th (I've also uploaded it to Ilias as "Sentences for proofreading and editing 1"). Each sentences requires a number of corrections. 

Answer Key: check: 1 fixed plans/arrangements, 2 a personal intention, 3 an unalterable arrangement or fact, 4 an immediate decision, 5 an action that will happen because it is regular or decided
exercise 1: 1 she's going to, 2 I'll, 3 I'm going to be, 4 I'll, 5 am leaving, 6 is not, 7 would, 8 will be doing, 9 will have gone, 10 are 10
exercise 2: 1 supposed/due/required/obliged, 2 just, 3 point, 4 unless, 5 be, 6 to, 7 left, 8 leaving/going/off, 9 be, 10 move
exercise 4: 1 the point of, 2 would do his/was doing his, 3 as we've paid, 4 is going to have (or: will have) an, 5 will have been studying, 6 to be taken/being taken/going to be taken

Monday, October 24, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for October 31st

 For homework, please: 

- read National Parks Should Belong to Native Americans - The Atlantic (the article has been scanned and uploaded to Ilias as well and can be accessed in the "Week Three Reading" folder...there is also no need to read the article word-for-word/get caught up in specific historical details; read with the main aim of understanding Treuer's main arguments) and answer the following questions/do the following: 

1. List some of the reasons Treuer gives for advocating a return of Native land to Native tribes.

2. In the article, Treuer writes, "In some respects, ours is an era of Native resurgence." Do you agree? Why or why not?

3. Do you think Treuer's proposal concerning how to implement a return of these lands is feasible? Support your answer with details. 

At this point in the semester, I would recommend that all of you have a US map at hand/in your notes for quick reference as well as a timeline of presidents (since certain periods of time are referred to by presidential administrations, e.g. the zeitgeist of the Obama era). 

Resources cited in class:

The U.S. Dialect Quiz: How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk - The New York Times (

Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort | JFK Library

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for October 31st

For homework, please:

Complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 5 and read through the grammar details for Unit 5 (Future Time). Pay particular attention to the examples your book provides for will and going-to future on pg. 38. Check your work using your book's key and bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session. 

Please complete exercises A-E (pp.30-31) and exercises M and N (pg. 35) in Unit 4 (Change and Technology). Bring any questions you have with you to our session next Wednesday. 

Review participle clauses on this webpage and complete both grammar tests 1 and 2: Participle clauses | LearnEnglish ( (The British Council site is extremely useful in terms of suplementary exercises and grammar explanations.)

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for October 27th

 For homework, please:

Complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 5 and read through the grammar details for Unit 5 (Future Time). Pay particular attention to the examples your book provides for will and going-to future on pg. 38. Check your work using your book's key and bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Thursday's session. 

Please complete exercises A-E (pp. 30-31) and exercises M and N (pg. 35) in Unit 4 (Change and Technology). Bring any questions you have with you to our session next Thursday. 

Return to Unit 2 (Thinking and Learning) and write down 5-10 words/expressions that could be used in an essay written in response to the question, "Should schools do away with grades?" (Consider what the prompt is asking you to address and what thesis statements could serve as the core of an essay written in response to the prompt.)

As promised, here is the list of group nouns discussed in class (the British Council website is a GREAT resource to consult, particularly when it comes to looking up the conventions of British English usage): Group nouns | LearnEnglish (

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for October 26th

For homework, please:

Complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 5 and read through the grammar details for Unit 5 (Future Time). Pay particular attention to the examples your book provides for will and going-to future on pg. 38. Check your work using your book's key and bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session. 

Please complete exercises A-E (pp.30-31) and exercises M and N (pg. 35) in Unit 4 (Change and Technology). Bring any questions you have with you to our session next Wednesday. 

Review the participle clause handout distributed in class (and also posted to Ilias) and complete the exercise at the bottom of the back page/second page about writing two sentences about yourself. In addition to this, please read the participle clauses box on pg. 139 of your book and complete exercise H on pg. 141. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for October 24th

For homework, please: 

watch these videos on US accents (the three parts total to about 35 minutes, so plan your viewing accordingly): 

Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents - (Part One) | WIRED - YouTube

Accent Expert Gives a Tour of U.S. Accents - (Part 2) | WIRED - YouTube

Accent Expert Gives a Tour of North American Accents - (Part 3) | WIRED - YouTube

Take some notes as you listen (no need to be comprehensive, but jot down some terms/details/historical information that interest(s) you) and see if you can place where some of the accents you hear in your favorite series (think characters whose accents stand out like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory or Phoebe from Friends) are from. 

For those who want to geek out about dialectology, accents, and varieties further, here are some useful links: 

American Dialect Society

Language Log (

Other links of interest/links referenced in class: 

Malcolm X "dictionary scene": Malcolm X | "God Is Black" | Netflix - YouTube

Music from Earth featured on the Voyager Golden Record: Voyager - Music on the Golden Record (

The 116 images featured in the Voyager Golden Record: The 116 images NASA wants aliens to see - YouTube

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for October 24th

  Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 3 that have been posted on Ilias and read through the grammar details for Unit 3. I have posted an answer key for these exercises to the Unit 3 folder and would like you to consult this key to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Monday's session. 

Complete exercises 3 and 4 on the stative verbs handout distributed in class. (It has also been uploaded to Ilias.) 

Read at least two of the essays written in response to whether it should be acceptable or not to donate store-bought goods to school bake sales: Putting the 'Bake' in Bake Sale - Room for Debate -
After you've read the essays, decide what were the merits of each using the following categories: 1) strength of thesis statement, 2) convincing detail, 3) cohesive structure, 4) interesting word choice

and 1) take down notes concerning what can be worrying about technology, 2) what tech lash is, 3) why the video ultimately argues that we shouldn't be worred about tech. Reflect on the points of the video you agree with and those you disagree with.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I, Thursday Group (Homework for October 19th)

 Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 3 that have been posted on Ilias and read through the grammar details for Unit 3. I have posted an answer key for these exercises to the Unit 3 folder and would like you to consult this key to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Thursday's session. 

Complete exercises 3 and 4 on the stative verbs handout distributed in class. (It has also been uploaded to Ilias.) 

Read at least two of the essays written in response to whether it should be acceptable or not to donate store-bought goods to school bake sales: Putting the 'Bake' in Bake Sale - Room for Debate -
After you've read the essays, decide what were the merits of each using the following categories: 1) strength of thesis statement, 2) convincing detail, 3) cohesive structure, 4) interesting word choice

and 1) take down notes concerning what can be worrying about technology, 2) what tech lash is, 3) why the video ultimately argues that we shouldn't be worred about tech. Reflect on the points of the video you agree with and those you disagree with.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for October 19th

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-J) for Unit 3 that have been posted on Ilias and read through the grammar details for Unit 3. I have posted an answer key for these exercises to the Unit 3 folder and would like you to consult this key to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Wednesday's session. 

Complete exercises 3 and 4 on the stative verbs handout distributed in class. (It has also been uploaded to Ilias.) 

Read at least two of the essays written in response to whether it should be acceptable or not to donate store-bought goods to school bake sales: Putting the 'Bake' in Bake Sale - Room for Debate -
After you've read the essays, decide what were the merits of each using the following categories: 1) strength of thesis statement, 2) convincing detail, 3) cohesive structure, 4) interesting word choice

and 1) take down notes concerning what can be worrying about technology, 2) what tech lash is, 3) why the video ultimately argues that we shouldn't be worred about tech. Reflect on the points of the video you agree with and those you disagree with.