Monday, July 6, 2020

Kulturraumstudien USA Exam

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Kulturraumstudien USA Exam SoSe 2020                                                                                                July 6, 2020
Eidesstattliche Erklärung
By writing your name and student number below, you certify that the work you submit for this exam is yours alone and is not work or content that is recycled/translated from other contexts. You must submit this form with your exam.

Full Name:
Student Number:

Exam Instructions
Your exam can be typed or hand-written and should be sent to me either as a docx document or a PDF. (I cannot guarantee that I will be able to open any other file type and therefore cannot guarantee that an exam submitted in another file type can successfully count as submitted.)
Your essays MUST be submitted by 2 pm (14:00) today (July 6, 2020) to the following email address:
You might find that using your TH email address is the easiest way to submit your exam to me.
Late submissions and/or submissions containing ANY plagiarism will be given a failing grade.
If you need assistance between 12-2 today, I will be available via email and on Zoom via the following ID and password:
Meeting ID: 839 6443 2028
Password: 3wM8Sa

Select 9 out of the following 12 questions to respond to in complete sentences. (Everyone must respond to the question, “What is culture?” The remaining 8 are your choice.)

1. Develop a research question that investigates some aspect of US culture. Include the data set that you would use and the hypothesis you would formulate.
2. What is culture?
3. what would a second Trump term look like?
4. Will the Black Lives Matter protests of this year have long-term effects? If so, which? If not, why?
5. What does Joe Biden need to do in order to win this fall?
6. In what ways is the Internet/social media a product of US culture?
7. According to a recent survey, most Americans are against defunding the police, but are in favor of other reforms. Why do you suspect that this is the case?
8. How has the notion of Manifest Destiny shaped the history of the US?
9. Although, globally speaking, Germany is understood as an individualistic country, the US is considered far more individualistic. Name three instances/examples in which this is evident.
10. What does the US health care system have in common with its educational system?
11. Why did Trump start a trade war with China?
12. How does the immigrant experience change over generations in the US?