Thursday, May 31, 2018

Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgaben für die 8. Vorlesungswoche (Sitzung am 6.6.18)

Als Vorbereitung für die nächste Sitzung zu Daten und Statistiken in Präsentationen schauen Sie sich bitte dieses Video an (Hans Rosling, Autor des Sachbuches "Factfulness", ungefähr 3 Minuten lang):

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mündliches Übersetzen, Homework for June 6th (Wed class) and June 12th (Tues class)

Finish translating all three of the translation texts from class and bring in your top two questions from each: Mobbingvorwürfe am Schauspiel Köln (whole text):

 Stacey Cunningham (whole text):

(Unfortunately, the NFL text is no longer available online.)

Pay attention to translation that is too literal or close to the original; if there are any spots where you think "my solution is too 'German'', highlight those spots so that we can discuss them together in our next session.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kompetenzerweiterung II, Homework for Week 9 (June 3rd and 4th)

For homework, please:

-check your answers to exercise E here:
1. glimpsed, walking, 2. hear, say/saying 3. observed, interacting 4. smell, burning 5. found, hiding 6. watched, climb 7. noticing, trying 8. felt, following, 9. caught, wishing, 10. saw/glimpsed, coming /walking

-have a look at all of the verbs from the verbal complements exercises on Tuesday you were not 100% sure on and write a sentence for each (bring these sentences with you to class)

-complete the gap fill distributed at the end of class on Tuesday (Stacey Cunningham article)

-complete the following subjunctive exercise:

-take this quiz on past conditionals:

Monday, May 28, 2018

Wirtsschaftskommunikation, Homework for Week 9 (June 4th)

*** I will be involved in the interviews for the new professor for translation with specializations in business and law on Monday, June 11th, therefore we will NOT be having class on June 11th. This class session is postponed to Thursday, June 14th at 17:00 sharp. I imagine our classroom will be free at this time, but will ask our secretaries just in case. ***

For next class, please read the Economist article distributed in class and answer the accompanying questions (unfortunately not available online).

We'll be talking about investing and finance next week, so have a look at this video on how stock exchanges work before next class (I recommend taking notes on vocab):
Then, watch this video featuring NYSE president Stacey Cunningham and see how much you can follow (CNBC is the US television news channel for business, so it's worth having a look at their channel):

(On a personal note, one of my favorite movies of all time, Pi (1998, Aronofsky, yes, the same dude who directed Black Swan), is all about a mathematician trying to find patterns in the stock market:
This was Aronofsky's senior project studying film at Harvard.)

Some info on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (referenced in psychology, sociology, and management studies):

Your optional essay prompt for this week is: "What constitutes successful managerial practice?" Submit this essay to me via email by Friday at noon for corrections in time for next week. (Remember that you can submit any essays from previous weeks throughout the semester.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgaben für die 8. Vorlesungswoche

Ihre Hausaufgabe für nächste Woche: schauen Sie sich eine Präsentation ganz an (gerne einen TED-Talk), deren Hauptbotschaft bzw. Hauptthese Sie nicht (völlig) unterstützen können. (Mein persönliches Beispiel: Shona Rhimes' "My year of saying yes to everything"...eigentlich wäre "ein Jahr des Neins" viel relevanter und hilfreicher für mich und viele Freunde von mir.) Aus Ihrer "Kontra-Reaktion" bauen Sie eine Präsentation mit einer Länge von 3-5 Minuten.

Hier finden Sie eine gute Zusammenfassung unseres Gespräches zum Thema "Füllwörter" von der letzten Sitzung:

Infos zur Prüfung:
- Note: bestehen/nicht bestehen
- sollte 5-10 Minuten dauern
- Thema Ihrer Wahl (gerne eine überarbeitete Präsentation aus Vergangenheit bzw. eine Präsentation, die Sie für einen anderen Anlass in Zukunft geben wird)
- darf auf Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten werden
- mit PowerPoint oder ohne
- gerne mit einem Partner
- Anmeldung für die spezifische Uhrzeit erfolgt persönlich in den Sitzungen im Mai und Juni

Mündliches Übersetzen, Homework for Week 8 (Week 9 for Thursday groups)

** To those members of the Tuesday class who didn't get copies of the football text, send me an email please and I will send you scans. The royal wedding text can be found here: and the link to the homework text on public health is below, but the football text isn't available for free online.**

For our next session, please finishing translating "Fußball: wir wollen doch nur spielen" (unfortunately not available for free online) and "Public Health: Warum Gesundheit keine Privatsache ist" (available here, translate to the end of the fourth paragraph "Das klingt jetzt übertrieben?": into English. Look up solutions AFTER you've finished translating and time yourself. Bring your top two questions with you to our next session.

Make sure that you are registered for the exam online. Signing up for specific times with your partner has started in class. Make sure you and your partner are signed up for a specific time slot. All four class groups need the opportunity to sign up before I can accomodate special cases (e.g. alternative dates, single appointments, groups of three). We will discuss these individually in our next session in June.

I must be informed of your specialization areas by our session in the week of June 18th-22nd. Please do this in person on the sign-up sheet in class.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Information for Mündliches Übersetzen Registration

Please pick one of the two dates for registration (which one is irrelevant, you just need to get officially registered). You and your partner will select an individual date and time in class in our next session.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Kompetenzerweiterung II, Homework for Week 8 (May 28th)

In advance of our next session on May 28th, I encourage all of you to submit an essay to me electronically by Friday, May 25th at noon. The essay should be between 250-300 words in length, MUST have gone through a spell and grammar check prior to submission (English spell and grammar check can be selected directly in your word processing program), and can be in response to any of the debate questions listed on the Room for Debate page:
(You can browse various topics on the right-hand side of the screen about halfway down the page.) I encourage you to read through some of the other responses BEFORE writing your essay for inspiration for structure. When writing your essay, pay attention to employing transitional devices, especially in topic sentences. This website can help:

Wirtschaftskommunikation, Homework for Week 8 (May 28th)

** Please be advised that our next class meeting will take place on Monday, May 28th at 2 pm sharp.**
For homework, please read the following article and answer the comprehension questions that follow (for vocabulary words, don't look the words up; try to define them from the context instead, as you will have to on the exam):

1.        What does "innocuous" mean?

2.        What are "ramifications"?

3.        How has assessing potential loan applicants changed in recent years?

4.        What does "default" mean in a lending context?

5.        Who in particular is at a disadvantage when this method of approving or denying loans is used?
In addition to this, I encourage you to submit a 250-300 word analysis on any infographic you find on the Web as we practiced in class. Use the examples on The Economist’s Graphic Detail pages ( ) to guide you and use this as an opportunity to practice language used to describe dynamics in data and figures. Submit your work to me electronically with the infographic you’ve used (included in your document, no links, please).

Mündliches Übersetzen, Post for my Wednesday Group (Next Session: May 23rd)

In advance of our next meeting on May 23rd, please:

-review indirect speech rules for English here:

-review rules for Konjunktiv I in German (on the exam I will want you to translate English indirect speech using Konjunktiv I as this is the indirect speech featured in German print media):

-this post also gives you German and English reported speech side-by-side (and features some examples I put on the board in class):

For homework, select two articles (one German, one English) from the "politics" and "Politik" pages of a news publication (free sources include The Guardian and Spiegel Online) that feature reported speech and translate them aloud into the opposite language. The articles should be roughly 250 words in length. Time yourself, look up unknown words after translating and bring these articles with you to class.

Please also finalize what your specialization area will be. I'll be passing out the sign-up sheet for individual exam slots on May 23rd.

Mündliches Übersetzen, Post for my Tuesday Group (Next Session on May 29th)

In advance of our next meeting on May 29th, please:

-review indirect speech rules for English here:

-review rules for Konjunktiv I in German (on the exam I will want you to translate English indirect speech using Konjunktiv I as this is the indirect speech featured in German print media):

-this post also gives you German and English reported speech side-by-side (and features some examples I put on the board in class):

For homework, select two articles (one German, one English) from the "politics" and "Politik" pages of a news publication (free sources include The Guardian and Spiegel Online) that feature reported speech and translate them aloud into the opposite language. The articles should be roughly 250 words in length. Time yourself, look up unknown words after translating and bring these articles with you to class.

Please also finalize what your specialization area will be. I'll be passing out the sign-up sheet for individual exam slots on May 29th.

Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgaben für die 7. Vorlesungswoche (23. Mai)

Bitte bereiten Sie eine PowerPoint-Präsentation für unsere nächste Sitzung vor. Das Thema der Präsentation ist ganz offen, aber die PowerPoint sollte aus maximal sieben Folien bestehen (Titelfolie und "Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!" zählen nicht dazu, Letztere ist auch völlig unnötig). Der Vortrag sollte entweder auf Deutsch oder Englisch gehalten werden. Bevor Sie loslegen, schauen Sie sich dieses Video bitte an:
und lesen Sie diese Tipps zur Erinnerung durch:

Schicken Sie mir bitte Ihre Präsentation (als PowerPoint- oder PDF-Datei) per Mail bis zum 22.5. (Frist = Mitternacht). Die Laptops bringe ich zur Sitzung mit (wenn Sie ein Audiokabel benötigen, sagen Sie mir bitte in Ihrer Mail Bescheid).

*** Meine Nachmittagsgruppe, die sich von 15.45-17.15 trifft, kann die Folien zum Thema der letzten Präsentation schreiben und sollte vor allem Anmerkungen zu den gelungenen und misslungenen Folien mitbringen, die bei der letzten Sitzung verteilt wurden.***

Friday, May 4, 2018

Mündliches Übersetzen, Special Post for My Thursday Classes

*** This post is only relevant for my groups that meet on Thursdays.***

In advance of our next meeting on May 24th, please:

-review indirect speech rules for English here:

-review rules for Konjunktiv I in German (on the exam I will want you to translate English indirect speech using Konjunktiv I as this is the indirect speech featured in German print media):

-this post also gives you German and English reported speech side-by-side (and features some examples I put on the board in class):

For homework, select two articles (one German, one English) from the "politics" and "Politik" pages of a news publication (free sources include The Guardian and Spiegel Online) that feature reported speech and translate them aloud into the opposite language. The articles should be roughly 250 words in length. Time yourself, look up unknown words after translating and bring these articles with you to class.

Please also finalize what your specialization area will be. I'll be passing out the sign-up sheet for individual exam slots on May 24th.

Vortrags- und Präsentationstechniken, Hausaufgaben für die 6. Vorlesungswoche

*** Diese Infos sind nur für die Gruppe, die sich von 15.45-17.15 trifft, relevant. Hausaufgaben für die Vormittagsgruppe befinden sich in dem letzten Eintrag.***

Bereiten Sie als Hausaufgabe eine vierminütige Präsentation vor, die die Frage beantwortet: "Wovon müsste denn eigentlich jetzt die Rede sein?" Ihre Antwort darauf kann aus allen möglichen Bereichen stammen und kann auch auf Spanisch, Französisch oder Englisch gehalten werden. In Ihrer Präsentation sollten Sie Themen bzw. Aspekte aufgreifen, die an den meisten vorbeigehen oder worüber gerne geschwiegen wird.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wirtschaftskommunikation, Homework for Week 6 (May 7th)

***Please be advised that due to a committee meeting, our class will begin at 2:30 pm in Room 209 on May 7th.***

For homework, please bring in 20 verbs for presentations that can be used to describe dynamics (or lack thereof in data). Make sure you've investigated the context for each verb (either in a monolingual dictionary or from articles themselves). Examples include: spike, fluctuate, peter out, tumble, plummet, etc. The verbs need to be more nuanced than increase/rise or decrease/fall.

In addition, please complete the questions distributed in class for the article on sustainable finance.

Kompetenzerweiterung II, Homework for Week 6 (May 7th and 8th)

For homework, please:

Read up on the unreal past here:

And complete the following exercise (there are a lot of grammar exercises on the left-hand side of this page; I encourage you to check them out for review and extra practice, esp. in advance of the exam):
Complete the exercise at the bottom of this page as well:

Complete this quiz on prepositions:

Finally, find 10 adjectives that have the same form in both your F1 and F2. (For example, "inevitable" ("unvermeidbar") in English takes the same form in both French (accent aigu on the "e" in French) and Spanish, but with different pronunciation and stress.) Make sure you notate the difference in pronunciation, stress, and diacritics for each entry.