Monday, December 19, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for January 9th

 ***Please be advised that our next and last class session of the semester will take place on January 9th.***

For homework, please read pp. 71-82 of "Why Do So Few Blacks Study the Civil War?" by Ta-Nehisi Coates posted in the folder "10. Week Ten Reading (Coates)" on Ilias. (Unfortunately, the files uploaded to Ilias in the wrong order, but all of the pages are there. The folder is also located directly under "1. Week One Reading" on Ilias.) What is Coates' answer to his research question?

Links of interest: 

Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.] (

From 2017: Confederate Monuments Are Coming Down Across the United States. Here’s a List. - The New York Times (

The U.S. Constitution | Constitution Center

Transcript of the Proclamation | National Archives

U.S. Senate: Hiram Revels: First African American Senator

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I, Study Pack

 This study pack is meant for your personal enrichment and is in no way required. 

Future and present forms

Mixed tense

Gerund and infinitive

Word formation

Cloze tests

(you will find at the bottom of this page a list of hyperlinked numbers; all of these are CLOZE exercises you can use for practice)

Register rewrite

Relative pronoun gap fill

Relative clauses rewrite

Error correction

Active to passive voice


Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for January 9th

 ***Please be advised that our next (and final) class session will be on January 9th.***

- review Units 17 (clauses) and 21 (noun phrases) in your book and complete exercises 3.3 and 3.4 in the scanned file "nouns agreement and articles exercises", exercise 6 from the file "place name exercise", and exercise C from the file "relative clauses quick check"

- learn the topic vocabulary and word formation vocabulary from Unit 22 (quality and the arts) and complete exercises A-D and K-M from your book. 

- as always, I recommend doing supplementary exercises from the review pages in your book, the extra exercises in the back, and targeted exercises you seek out from links featured on the blog and other grammar sites you find on the Web.  

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 22nd

For our next session on 12/22, please prepare the following:

- bring in at least 10 laugh-out-loud jokes and practice delivering them (i.e. saying them out loud). We'll be having a dad joke/pun festival in groups in our next session :-). 

- review Units 17 (clauses) and 21 (noun phrases) in your book and complete exercises 3.3 and 3.4 in the scanned file "nouns agreement and articles exercises", exercise 6 from the file "place name exercise", and exercise C from the file "relative clauses quick check"

- learn the topic vocabulary and word formation vocabulary from Unit 22 (quality and the arts) and complete exercises A-D and K-M from your book. 

- as always, I recommend doing supplementary exercises from the review pages in your book, the extra exercises in the back, and targeted exercises you seek out from links featured on the blog and other grammar sites you find on the Web. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for December 21st

 For our next session on 12/21, please prepare the following:

- bring in at least 10 laugh-out-loud jokes and practice delivering them (i.e. saying them out loud). We'll be having a dad joke/pun festival in groups in our next session :-). 

- review Units 17 (clauses) and 21 (noun phrases) in your book and complete exercises 3.3 and 3.4 in the scanned file "nouns agreement and articles exercises", exercise 6 from the file "place name exercise", and exercise C from the file "relative clauses quick check"

- learn the topic vocabulary and word formation vocabulary from Unit 22 (quality and the arts) and complete exercises A-D and K-M from your book. 

- as always, I recommend doing supplementary exercises from the review pages in your book, the extra exercises in the back, and targeted exercises you seek out from links featured on the blog and other grammar sites you find on the Web. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for December 19th

 For homework, please: 

- read as much as you can from Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau (read at least the last two slides from today's presentation): Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau ( Identify at least one statement in the text that surprises and/or interests you (bear in mind that this text inspired a number of leaders in more recent history such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi). 

- have a look at the terms used on the second slide of today's presentation and make sure that you can come up with examples for each of them (the slides from December 5th might be of help here). Bring in any questions you have about these terms to our next class.

Links of interest:

Unknown | Sojourner Truth, "I Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance" | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for December 19th

In advance of our next session on 12/19, please:

- bring in at least 10 laugh-out-loud jokes and practice delivering them (i.e. saying them out loud). We'll be having a dad joke/pun festival in groups in our next session :-). 

- review units 5 and 7 on future time and passives and causatives, respectively, and learn the topic vocab and word formation words for unit 8. (It is recommended that you complete the review on pp. 68-69 as well.) Complete exercises A-D and L-O in Unit 8 and bring in any questions you might have to class.

 - have a look at the following video Hydrogen cars: a greener future for London? - BBC London - YouTube and answer the following question: are hydrogen cars (part of) the future? (Bonus challenge: can you catch any collocations in the speech featured in the video?) 

- read the word formation suffixes scan (file name: "word formation suffixes") and complete exercises 2 and 3 from the file "word formation suffixes exercises". Bring your answers with you to class.

- the following exercises are recommended for reviewing passive voice:

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 15th

In advance of our next session on 12/15, please:

- review units 5 and 7 on future time and passives and causatives, respectively, and learn the topic vocab and word formation words for unit 8. (It is recommended that you complete the review on pp. 68-69 as well.) Complete exercises A-D and L-O in Unit 8 and bring in any questions you might have to class.

 - have a look at the following video Hydrogen cars: a greener future for London? - BBC London - YouTube and answer the following question: are hydrogen cars (part of) the future? (Bonus challenge: can you catch any collocations in the speech featured in the video?) 

- read the word formation suffixes scan (file name: "word formation suffixes") and complete exercises 2 and 3 from the file "word formation suffixes exercises". Bring your answers with you to class.

- the following exercises are recommended for reviewing passive voice:

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Wednesday Group), Homework for December 14th

 In advance of our next session on 12/14, please:

- review units 5 and 7 on future time and passives and causatives, respectively, and learn the topic vocab and word formation words for unit 8. (It is recommended that you complete the review on pp. 68-69 as well.) Complete exercises A-D and L-O in Unit 8 and bring in any questions you might have to class.

 - have a look at the following video Hydrogen cars: a greener future for London? - BBC London - YouTube and answer the following question: are hydrogen cars (part of) the future? (Bonus challenge: can you catch any collocations in the speech featured in the video?) 

- read the word formation suffixes scan (file name: "word formation suffixes") and complete exercises 2 and 3 from the file "word formation suffixes exercises". Bring your answers with you to class.

- the following exercises are recommended for reviewing passive voice:

Monday, December 5, 2022

Kulturraumstudien USA, Homework for December 12th

 For homework, please: 

- read pp. 41-44 from "American History: A Very Short Introduction" by Oxford University Press featured in the Week Nine Reading folder. Select one of the figures or works featured in these pages and investigate it/them further. Bring one "fun fact" about this person or work with you to class next week. Be able to explain what this fact tells us about the US in the mid-19th century. 

- find two or three political/editorial cartoons either by US artists or that address US culture/policy and use the terms discussed in our past two classes (i.e. discourse, narrative, framing and sub-types of framing) and others from the semester (e.g. cognitive blends, intertextuality) to analyze how the cartoons are constructed. Bring these cartoons with you to next week's class.

- choose two or three English words and look each of these up in the following dictionaries (how do explain the differences in the wordings of the definitions in each edition of the dictionary?):

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Online

Webster's 1913 (

Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-trusted online dictionary

Links of interest: 

The Art in the Oval Office Tells a Story. Here’s How to See It. - The New York Times (

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday Group), Homework for December 12th

 In preparation of next Monday's session (12/12), please do the following:

-please complete the exercises (i.e. A-O) for Unit 6 and learn the vocabulary for Unit 6 (pp. 44-45). Do Review 2 for Units 5 and 6 on pp. 52-53 of your book as well. Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding the vocabulary/these solutions with you to next Monday's session.

- review Units 1 and 3 and bring in any questions you might have. I would recommend doing exercises from the reviews on pp. 20-21, pp. 36-37 and pp. 265-266 from your book for extra practice. (Bear in mind that some of the vocab exercises on these pages focus on items that we have not covered yet.)

- browse the website and read at least one article that is in some way related to career advice: Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | What strikes you interculturally speaking about the advice given (i.e. do you notice an intercultural differences between what is expected in your home country and the US/anglophone countries?)?

- identify a job/career field that interests you and watch a video on YouTube that profiles that career/provides more information about it. Bring in the name of the video and one interesting takeway from it with you to next week's class. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Thursday Group), Homework for December 8th

 In preparation of next Thursday's session (12/08), please do the following:

-please complete the exercises (i.e. A-O) for Unit 6 and learn the vocabulary for Unit 6 (pp. 44-45). Do Review 2 for Units 5 and 6 on pp. 52-53 of your book as well. Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding the vocabulary/these solutions with you to next Thursday's session.

- review Units 1 and 3 and bring in any questions you might have. I would recommend doing exercises from the reviews on pp. 20-21, pp. 36-37 and pp. 265-266 from your book for extra practice. (Bear in mind that some of the vocab exercises on these pages focus on items that we have not covered yet.)

- browse the website and read at least one article that is in some way related to career advice: Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | What strikes you interculturally speaking about the advice given (i.e. do you notice an intercultural differences between what is expected in your home country and the US/anglophone countries?)?

- identify a job/career field that interests you and watch a video on YouTube that profiles that career/provides more information about it. Bring in the name of the video and one interesting takeway from it with you to next week's class.