Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Kompetenzerweiterung I, Monday/Wednesday Group, Homework for December 2nd

For homework, please:

- complete exercises E-I on pp. 174-175 of the textbook.

- complete the exercises on the handout "using the or no article" distributed in class.

- continue proofreading and editing the subscription box copy distributed in class.

- study the word formation box on pg. 177 and complete exercises K-M on pp. 182-183 and learn the words in "topic vocab: quality" and "topic vocab: the arts" on pg. 176 and do exercises A-D on pp. 178-179.

- have a look at this video, write down good vocabulary used in it, and be ready discuss the question, "Is there a difference between financial loss and cultural loss?" on Monday:

- on Monday we're going to discuss satirical writing. Find a piece of satirical writing in English on the web that you find is successfully done and bring it with you to class (either printed out or in digital form).

self-check for the exercises on the sheet "exam practice 3":
exercise 1: 1. will, 2. chances/odd, 3. may (or will), 4. well (likely), 5. tempted/inclined/obliged/driven/compelled, 6. certain/sure/bound, 7. distinct/definite, 8. may/will, 9. has/needs/ought, 10. doubt/question, 11. do/can, 12. needn't/won't/doesn't, 13. obligation, 14. probability, 15. may/might
exercise 2: unacceptable, unpardonable, unlawful, irrationally, unreasonable, permissable, unethical, immoral, illegal, disqualified

self-check for "verbs we commonly use in the passive"
front of the page, exercise 1: a) was deemed, b) be jailed, c) been strewn, d) was baffled, e) been earmarked
front of the page, exercise 2: a) i, b) iii, c) iv, d) ii

back of the page, exercise 1: 1. were baffled, 2. was/is/has been deemed, 3. was dubbed, 4. were/had been strewn, 5. was overcome, 6. is shrouded, 7. have been inundated, 8. is/was dwarfed, 9. is scheduled, 10. have been/not have been shortlisted
back of the page exercise 2: 1. dogged, 3. buffeted, 3. haunted, 4. Locked, 5. hounded, 6. handicapped, 7. doomed, 8. blessed, 9. touched, 10. earmarked, 11. destined, 12. possessed
exercise 3: 1. d, 2. f, 3. i, 4. a, 5. h, 6. e, 7. g, 8. c, 9. j, 10. b
exercise 4: 1. we've been swamped with/by, 2. was completely taken aback by, 3. was disconcerted by, 4. is handed down from generation, 5. was scaled down following, 6. being talked down, 7. was couched in extremely formal

- if you're interested, here is Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks sketch:

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