Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Tuesday/Thursday Group), Homework in Week Ten (December 14-17)

 In preparation of next Tuesday's session (12/21), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-O) for Unit 6 and learn the vocabulary for Unit 6 (pp. 44-45). Do Review 2 for Units 5 and 6 on pp. 52-53 of your book as well. Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding the vocabulary/these solutions with you to next Tuesday's session.

Please do all of the exercises from the files "Spotlight exercises future tenses" and "Grammar for CAE and CPE ing or infinitive exercises" posted on Ilias.
 Check your answers on the bottom of the Spotlight page for future tenses and in the file "Grammar for CAE and CPE ing or infinitive exercises answers" and bring any questions you have with you to Tuesday's session. 

(It would be a good idea to review Units 5 and 23 (verbal complements) this week as well just so that you don't save all of your studying for January.)

In preparation of this Thursday's session (12/16) please do the following (I recommend you complete these exercises during "study hall", i.e. Thursday 9:45-11:15): 

- browse the monster.com website and read at least one article that is in some way related to career advice: Monster Jobs - Job Search, Career Advice & Hiring Resources | Monster.com What strikes you interculturally speaking about the advice given (i.e. do you notice an intercultural differences between what is expected in your home country and the US/anglophone countries?)?

have a look at this video on what Google expects from applicant resumes (most of the points they mention are relevant for all jobs) Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice - YouTube and do the following:
 a) write down five tips from the video
 b) write down as many phrases/patterns/collocations and idioms that the speakers use as you can (e.g. "walk you through", "a safe bet")

- finally, think back to project week and answer the following question: What would you like to do with your degree in the future? (Bring in any job-related questions you have as well.)

Optional essay assignment: In 250-350 words, answer the following question: Is being passionate about one's work the key to building a successful career? Make sure that your essay a) doesn't exceed the word limit, b) is sent as an MS Word document, and c) is submitted to my email address by Thursday, December 16th at midnight. Submissions that do not abide by these guidelines will not be read. 

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