Monday, November 15, 2021

Kompetenzerweiterung I (Monday/Wednesday Group), Homework in Week Seven (November 15-19)

***Please be advised that we will have no Zoom meetings during the Project Week (November 22-26). Registration for our January exam opens during the Project Week, so please register by the deadline on PSSO!***  

In preparation of next Monday's session (11/29), please do the following:

Please complete the exercises (i.e. A-K) for Unit 15 and read the grammar details for Unit 15 (pp. 122-123). Please consult the key at the back of the book to check your work AFTER you have given the exercises a go on your own. Bring any questions you have regarding rules/these solutions with you to next Monday's session.

In preparation of this Wednesday's session (11/17) please do the following (I recommend you complete these exercises during "study hall", i.e. Monday 11:30-13:00): 

- Come to class with a working definition of satire (ideally with some concrete examples to support it). The following videos might help you: 

- Do a close reading of the article "Bitter Brew", which you'll find on Ilias. Identify where humor is employed in the text and try to pinpoint how it was crafted (e.g. does the humor lie is the way the sentence sounds out loud, a choice of words, a specific example, a combination of factors?)

- Bring a list of the anglophone comedy you consume on a regular basis. (This can be TV shows, series, films, podcasts, blogs, etc.) What type of humor is represented in the comedy you consume (e.g. dark humor, sarcasm, word-play, etc.)? Do you notice (inter)cultural differences in the humor you consume? If so, try to pinpoint what these are. If not, what is universal about the humor you consume?

Optional essay assignment: In 250-350 words, write a piece inspired by "Bitter Brew", in which you give your reader insight into a world you are familiar with (and they are most likely not) in a humorous manner. (Your essay needs a thesis, i.e. one key point/take-away that you wish to share with the audience.) Make sure that your essay a) doesn't exceed the word limit, b) is sent as an MS Word document, and c) is submitted to my email address by Wednesday, November 17th at midnight. Submissions that do not abide by these guidelines will not be read. 

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