Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Wirtschaftskommunikation Vertiefung, Homework for June 4th

For homework, please:

- complete the exercises on the idioms worksheet distributed in class

- read the article "Travails in Tech" and watch this video for background on Huawei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUA76spIbWQ

- read the Economist article on Huawei and answer the following questions:
1) What does "excruciating" mean and imply in the title's caption?
2) Why does the import ban "hardly matter"?
3) What is Huawei's plan B?
4) In what ways does the article argue that Huawei would be dependent on US technologies?
5) How does the US ban affect non-US and non-Chinese companies?

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